The Eelman returns - in a podcast!
Click to download the Kindle version of "In Search of Joel Gomez." Lately, things have gotten very interesting and exciting. The Eel...

The truth about being an Indie
In 1950, only 2 years after TV made its big debut, there were 60 bookstores in and around Philadelphia. Now there are six, and two of...

A Holiday Gift
Hi Everyone, Whether you are lighting a Chanukah candle or trimming a Christmas tree, I hope you’ll accept my holiday gift. For five...

Game of the Gods - FREE on Amazon Kindle!
It's the season for giving. For the next 5 days, my latest novel Game of the Gods will be available for FREE on Amazon Kindle! My hope...

Calling All Song Writers!
A Call For Lyrics. A Call for Poets. For the last ten years, I have spent two to two & a half hours every Friday morning playing music...

October Song of the Month - Dark Swirling Waters
Dark Swirling waters is a lot like my new book, Game of the Gods. It's about a man sitting on the edge of the world. Could it happen? ...

September Song of the Month - Is it Rainin' Out There
September's song of the month is Is it Rainin' Out There. It fits perfectly with today's dreary weather and is a great accompaniment to...

June Song of the Month - On the Road
On May 30, 2018 the Philadelphia music scene lost a notable musician when Mike McKendry of the McKendry Brothers Band, passed. He was a...

High Point Cafe Performer of the Month
Experience the May song of the month in person! I'll be playing two gigs at the High Point Cafe in the Fairmount neighborhood of...

Reviews are important to me.
Yes, having people review my book is very important to me. Every artist needs the feedback. No painter hangs a picture on a wall hoping...